Heavy Meta: Get The Facts on MetaSearch with Dean Schmit

November 17, 2021

We are thrilled to bring to our Carolinas Chapters a discussion led by Dean Schmit, the authority on the topic and the creator of the HSMAI On-Demand Course, Navigating Metasearch.

We will save a few minutes at the end of the meeting for Q&A so bring your questions!

In a 40-minute presentation addressing both Marketing and Revenue professionals,
Dean will cover the Metasearch spectrum:

101 - What it is, and why we need to pay attention.
2.0- Real-Time Data and Trends
3.0- The Latest Functionality from Google - (Hint, hint...this is for you, revenue aficionados!)



Our survey says…Many of you are interested in taking a deeper dive into understanding Metasearch!

HSMAI's got you! Register now for our free virtual November meeting.

We are thrilled to bring to our Carolinas Chapters a discussion led by Dean Schmit, the authority on the topic and the creator of the HSMAI On-Demand Course, Navigating Metasearch.

We will save a few minutes at the end of the meeting for Q&A so bring your questions!

In a 40-minute presentation addressing both Marketing and Revenue professionals,
Dean will cover the Metasearch spectrum:

101 - What it is, and why we need to pay attention.
2.0- Real-Time Data and Trends
3.0- The Latest Functionality from Google - (Hint, hint...this is for you, revenue aficionados!)

Plus, Dean will even bring some tips for vacation rental managers!

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November 17, 2021
11:00 am
12:00 pm